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A Detwister is a Machine That Untwists Cabled Yarn to Get Individual Yarn ComponentsThe detwister is a machine that untwists cabled yarn to obtain individual yarn components.detwister It operates in ...
A Detwister Operates to Open Roped Knit Fabric and Removes TwistA detwister operates to open roped knit fabric and removes twist from the fabric.detwister The detwister incorporates components that c...
The Detwister is an Essential Part of a Fabric Finishing MachineThe detwister is an essential part of a fabric finishing machine and is used to unwind the yarn in rope form. It takes the twist out of ...
The Detwister MachineThe detwister machine is specially designed to open the rope formed fabric and eliminates tension in it.detwister It is a highly efficient and reliable solution for fabric after ...
The Detwister is Used to Remove Twist to openning the fabric after dyeingThe detwister is used to remove twist from rope fabric.detwister The slitting and spreading machines are designed to turn the ...
The Detwister is Used to Untwist Wet Knitted FabricsThe detwister is used to open the wet knitted fabric from the rope form after fabric dyeing.detwister This machine ensures that the optimum untwist...