Why need Singeing machine in Textile Finishing

Types of Singeing Machines

Types of Singeing Machines

  • Tuesday, 03 December 2024
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Types of Singeing Machines

Singeing is a finishing process for fabrics that involves burning off any protruding fibers on the surface of yarn or fabric to make it smooth and even. This helps reduce the risk of pilling and can improve the quality, appearance, and performance of the fabric. It can also be used to prepare the material for printing or dyeing, as it makes it easier for the dyes or printing ink to adhere to the fabric. Singed fabrics also tend to be softer and lighter in feel than un-singed ones.

There are many types of singeing machines on the market, each designed to suit different needs. One type is the plate singeing machine, which works by passing the fabric over a heated plate to burn off any protruding fibers. Another popular type is the gas singeing machine, which uses a flame to burn off the protruding fibers. Both types have their benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to choose the right singeing machine for your fabric.

The plate singeing machine passes the fabric over a flat, heated plate to burn off any protruding fibres on its surface. This can be difficult to control, as the temperature of the plate can vary across the surface. The uneven singeing can lead to a loss of tensile strength, and the fabric may become brittle afterward. The plate singeing machine can be used for all fabrics, but is particularly suited to blended and open-weave fabrics that are prone to pilling.

Unlike the plate singeing machine, the gas singeing machine heats up and rotates the fabric so that the same part of the fabric is in contact with the flame at all times. This eliminates the need for a constant traverse of the fabric over the plate, and allows for better uniformity of the singeing process. The machine can also be fitted with an adjustable water cooled roller to ensure that the fabric is always in contact with a cooler part of the burner.

This prevents the fabric from overheating and burning, while still ensuring that all of the protruding fibers are singed. It can also be used to remove moisture from the fabric, which is a critical step for proper singeing. In addition, the gas singeing machine is more efficient than its counterpart, and can produce a higher-quality finish with less energy consumption.

In addition to the above, the gas singeing machine has several other features that make it an excellent choice for a wide range of fabrics. The burners can be adjusted to obtain soft, medium, or high singeing, and the width of the flame can be modified according to the fabric type. In addition, the machine can be equipped with a ratio controller that ensures a consistent air/gas mixture for the best possible results. It is also possible to adjust the position of the guide rollers, which can change the positioning of the fabric with respect to the flame. In this way, it is easy to achieve a uniform singeing effect on all qualities of fabric, including velvet and pile fabrics.

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