Why need Singeing machine in Textile Finishing

Detwister of the Present Invention

Detwister of the Present Invention

  • Thursday, 28 November 2024
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  • 65
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Detwister of the Present Invention


The present invention relates to the finishing of, what is known in the art as, roped knitted fabric and more particularly to apparatus for accomplishing a pan of the finishing operation known as detwisting.detwister The detwisting apparatus of the invention contemplated herein comprises various components that cooperate to open the fabric as it moves vertically through the finishing apparatus. Specifically the detwister comprises a turntable for the truck delivery arrangement which contains the fabric to be finished, a poteye arranged thereon, a spreader with ring guiders arranged on the horizontal ends thereof and a pivotal frame member for the spreader positioned between the poteye and the detwister so that as the fabric passes over the ring guiders of the spreader the ring guiders of the spreader rotate in a direction to remove twist from the fabric. As this rotation occurs a sensing means set as desired to sense the direction of the fabric twist actuates the detwister in a direction to continue opening the fabric.

The resulting detwisted fabric then exits the fabric detwister and is passed through a fabric separator where it is separated from the roped form of the cloth and passes out the bottom end of the machine to be conveyed for other treating. The detwisting apparatus described herein thus enables the fabrics produced on circular knitting machines to be converted from a tubular shape to a web shape so as to be suitable for other processing. This is accomplished in a very simple and economical manner.

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